5 settembre - 03 febbraio

Mostra Chagall Mantova

Mantova - Palazzo della Ragione
SEPTEMBER 5, 2018 - FEBRUARY 03, 2019

5 settembre - 13 gennaio

Palazzo della Ragione
05/09/18 - 03/02/19

Mostra Chagall Mantova



  • Full price: € 12
  • With discount: € 10
    visitors under 26; groups of adults (12-30); teachers in general; members of the military and law enforcement not in service; people with tickets purchased via presale up until September 4 in combination with a ticket for Palazzo Te to see the Titian/Richter exhibition (buying both tickets at the same time will also allow the purchaser to get a discount on a ticket to visit Palazzo Te); ticket holders for the "Festivaletteratura" for any of the days of the event (September 5-9, 2018); meeting of FAO participants during the events. Conventions: FAI, Touring, Italia nostra, holders of Trenord train tickets for Mantua, no more than three days old, residents of the City of Mantua from September 10 to October 14, 2018.
  • Super discount: € 8,00
    City of Mantua employees; Mantova Card holders (adults);
  • School discount: € 6,00
    Groups of students in general; Mantova card junior holders (aged 7-18)
  • Gift: € 13,00
    Full ticket to be used on any date
  • Gift: € 11,00
    Discount ticket to be used on any date
  • Families: adult 10 euro, child 6 euros (second child free)
    valid for 1 or 2 adults + 1 or more children aged 6-18
  • Free
    children under the age of 6; visitors accompanying (family member or professional assistant) citizens of the European Union who are physically disabled and hold a certificate; members of I.C.O.M. (International Council of Museums); official tour guides and cultural mediators from the European Union; Italian and foreign journalists with authorization from the City Administration Press Office or the Exhibition Press Office (permission must show name of publication and date of visit (for those without authorization the ticket is 6 euros); members of the military and law enforcement in service; 1 person accompanying a group of adults; max 2 persons accompanying a school group, Card Musei Lombardia.
  • Audioguide: 5 euros, in addition to the cost of the ticket


  • Reservations required for groups and schools
  • 1,50 euros per person for groups and individual visitors
  • 1 euro per student for school groups

Tickets to the exhibition can be purchased directly at the Palazzo della Ragione, as well as by making an online reservation at Viva Ticket. Click on this button to purchase your ticket.

Buy ticket


  • Tuesday - Sunday: 9:30am - 7:30pm
  • Monday: closed
    (except for December 24, 2018 and January 7, 2019; closed on December 25)
  • The last ticket is sold one hour before closing.

The Museum will exceptionally be open:

  • On the occasion of the Festivaletteratura (September 5-9, 2018): open until 11 pm
  • On the occasion of the White Night (September 15): open until 11 pm
  • The last ticket is sold one hour before closing

(for groups of no more than 30 people)

  • Guided tour for non-scholastic groups in Italian (duration: 60 minutes): 100 euros
  • Guided tours for non-scholastic groups in a foreign language (duration: 60 minutes): 120 euros
  • Guided tours for schools (duration: 60 minutes): 70 euros
  • Guided tours for schools in a foreign language (duration: 60 minutes): 90 euros
  • Guided tour + workshop for ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS (duration: 120 minutes): 130 euros
  • Guided tour + workshop in ENGLISH for ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS (duration: 120 minutes): 150 euros

Further information


Mantova | Palazzo della Ragione
Piazza Erbe, 46100 Mantova MN

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Mostra Marc Chagall.
Palazzo della Ragione, Piazza Erbe - 46100 Mantova .
Dal 05/09/2018 al 03/02/2019.

Tutte le immagini presenti nel sito, sono © Chagall ®, by SIAE 2018